28 Empowering and Motivational Books to Read During the Pandemic

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Image by Vinzent Weinbeer from Pixabay

A book is a masterpiece of human thought. It has the power to ignite and inspire progress, speed up the development of human society, and make people smarter, wiser and happier.

This article is all about those books which increase the reader’s knowledge base, boost self-confidence and support emotional well-being.

Books are the means to explore far and wide, for individuals of wisdom and intellect. They enable one to travel the world and meet with different people, develop the art of adaptability and enhance the art of thinking out of the box.

And It Took Two Years by Scott Spiess

This product was recommended by Mr. Scott Spiess from Scott Spiess

Right now is the perfect time for this book. With so many people unemployed and suffering, there is an emphasis on change. A lot of people are searching for “How to change.” This change can be a personal change or a job change due to the COVID virus, or it could be a relationship change. “And it took two years” has all of these elements in it. The book can be the inspiration or guide to allowing change to happen in your life by observing my journey over two years.

Gypsy Energy Secrets by Milana Perepyolkina

This product was recommended by Milana Perepyolkina from Gypsy Energy Secrets

This manual is an international bestseller called Gypsy Energy Secrets: Turning a Bad Day into a Good Day No Matter What Life Throws at You. This book guides you through physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects of your well-being, providing you with simple self-care exercises and motivational techniques that will lead to better days and outlook on life. Here is what readers say: One of the best books of any genre that I’ve read in a LONG time, This book has given me hope on how to deal with the stresses of life, Without the knowledge found in this book, I wouldn’t have been able to break free from the strong chains of depression and anxiety that had plagued me for years, I would highly recommend this book. I enjoyed every page and learned so much from it. Probably the best self help book I’ve ever read.

7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey

This product was recommended by Gerardo Juarez from Sheep Buy Inc

This book illustrates ideas and steps of how to reshape their life. He explains and supports these ideas with real stories and draw to the reader the needed skills in order to be effective in your life. Remember that you need to be patient while you reading this book and take your time thinking on the included ideas then apply them on your life.

The Power by Rhonda Byrne

This product was recommended by Jeremy Ong from HUSTLR

This book is one of the greatest empowering motivational book. It simply helps you to recognize yourself more and get to know about your life more and more. It will help you to get the balance back to your life on different aspects: money, career, health, relationships, through practical steps you have to follow one by one. All of that help you to achieve your goals in the end and never forget to live your life happily.

Awaken the Giant Within You by Anthony Robbins

This product was recommended by Collin Matthews from Cookwared

This book details an action plan that allows people to take control of how you feel, how you think, and what you do. By controlling your emotions, you comfortably shape your dreams and become the best version of yourself. With the right perception of yourself, you can accomplish more than you imagine.

The 12 Week Year by Brian P. Moran

This product was recommended by Bruce Harpham from SaaS Marketing Agency

When mid to late January arrives, you might already feel behind on your goals. How do you get that “new year” momentum to get back on track for your goals? The answer lies in this book’s “12 week year” concept. In essence, you adjust your goal setting to focus on 12 week blocks of time, as if the entire year was just 12 weeks long. That means no more “that goal isn’t due for 6 months so I don’t need to do anything now.” The book is fantastic and I’ve read it several times. I’ve used this book’s framework to lose weight and make more money!

The Millionaire Next Door by Thomas Stanley

This product was recommended by Marcus Clarke from Searchant

The Millionaire Next Door by Thomas Stanley & William Danko, this book has some unusual and very practical ideas to be successful in life. And also some real life experiences as well, it’s a good read and quite empowering.

Bossypants by Tina Fey

This product was recommended by Kate Diaz from Swanky Den

Tina Fey shows us that you can be powerful while being hilarious at the same time. She narrates her journey to stardom, including how everything started out as a childhood dream. I also love how she kept it real in this book, where she talked about everything from romantic disasters to breastfeeding.

Man’s Search for Meaning by Victor E. Fankl

This product was recommended by Kate Diaz from Swanky Den

Victor Frankl is a psychiatrist who survived Hitler’s wrath during World War II. This book will give you an in-depth look at how it was like to live in a Nazi death camp. He also describes the different lessons the horrific experience taught him regarding spiritual survival. This book will make you realize that how you cope up with suffering and the meaning you attribute to it is the key to moving on in life with a renewed purpose.

The One Thing by Gary Keller

This product was recommended by Lewis Crompton from STARTrading

This changed my life. It taught me how to focus while having multiple roles to fulfil. It gave me hope that I could achieve things and I have!

#GIRLBOSS by Sophia Amoruso

This product was recommended by Sonya Schwartz from Her Norm

#GIRLBOSS by Sophia Amoruso shares her story of how she surpassed her crazy childhood and how she strived hard to survive as an adult. With all the turmoil and the inability to make it through, she embraced her unique self and from then turned her closet to a billion-dollar asset. She said in her book “Focus on the positive things in your life and you’ll be shocked at how many more positive things start happening. But before you start to think you just got lucky, remember that it’s magic, and you made it yourself.” This and many more anecdotes from the book strike a cord and I believe that you will love the way she believes in herself and that her will power and passion made her the successful woman that she is today.

Atomic Habits by James Clear

This product was recommended by Waheeda Haris from Habits Buzz

This book is all about practical tips on how to form better habits. James Clear, the author shows how simple changes in your habits can transfom your whole life. But it’s not easy to form new habits and stick to them. But he shows how we can do it and the strategies that will help in sticking with better habits and how to stop bad ones.

The Success Principles by Jack Canfield

This product was recommended by Waheeda Haris from Habits Buzz

This book is timeless because of the principles it teaches about. Jack teaches 64 principles that you can implement in your life to achieve your goals. This book is worth re-reading many times and many of the principles have stuck with me and helped me a ton in my own life. Though it is a huge book, it is never boring and keeps you motivated.

Depression – The Often Missed Causes by Mark A. Swanepoel

This product was recommended by Mark A. Swanepoel from MarkSwan

Most of us are either sufferers ourselves or know someone that suffers from the devastating disease called depression. For woman, in particular, the suffering might be worse due to the stigma that woman are just too emotional or that their so-called mood swings are due to hormones – which is far from the truth. This book takes a deep dive into what depression is, what are the often overlooked causes and how to best manage it.

The 4-Hour Workweek by Timothy Ferris

This product was recommended by Reuben Yonatan from GetVoIP

The book motivates you to figure out ways to work and still have a life. Whether you are a busy CEO who thinks it is impossible to slow down or an employee who works 40-hour weeks or more, the book inspires you to take a step back and work smarter, not just harder! I am one of those busy CEOs and this book taught me about work/life balance.

The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle

This product was recommended by Bonita Owens from Amazing Women Network

This is a powerful book about being in the presence of now. The Power of Now will help you to shift your mindset and perspective about how to navigate in the world without being consumed with things that are beyond your control. The past is gone, the future hasn’t happened yet, but what you do have is NOW!

The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz

This product was recommended by Bonita Owens from Amazing Women Network

This book has been around a while, but it is simple and powerful. I love this book because it gives simple and practical ideas on personal growth and mental strength. One of my favorite chapters is Don’t Take Anything Personally.’

Start With Why by Simon Sinek

This product was recommended by Bonita Owens from Amazing Women Network

This is a great book for entrepreneurs. Simon explains how most successful companies create long term customers and a movement by not starting with what they do or what they sell, but why they do what they do.

Year of Yes by Shonda Rhimes

This product was recommended by Bonita Owens from Amazing Women Network

Shonda Rhimes makes you feel as if she’s your best friend and she shares how she stopped sitting on the sidelines and gained more confidence, found her voice, and lived a fuller life once she made a choice to take more risks and start saying Yes.

Abundance Now by Lisa Nichols

This product was recommended by Valerie Ashford Brown from ValerieAshfordBrown

I love the main theme of this book of success is your birthright. Lisa Nichols empowers us to not only believe that but also to operate in the power that we have inside of us by giving powerful tips and strategies to transition to an abundant life now!

Becoming by Michelle Obama

This product was recommended by Valerie Ashford Brown from ValerieAshfordBrown

This is an elegant memoir, and very inspiring by First Lady Michelle Obama. I always knew that her and President Obama were humans, but this book further humanized her and her family. The writing is good and is a page turner. It’s over 400 pages, but well worth the read!

Believe Bigger by Marshawn Evans Daniels

This product was recommended by Valerie Ashford Brown from ValerieAshfordBrown

I’ve followed Marshawn Evans Daniels for close to 10 years now and haven’t been disappointed by anything that she puts her hands to, including this book. This is a must have for your library to release the fear, reignite your purpose, and realize your dreams by dreaming bigger. It is a movement filled with truth and power for you to BELIEVE BIGGER!

You’re a Badass at Making Money by Jen Sincero

This product was recommended by Valerie Ashford Brown from ValerieAshfordBrown

Jen Sincero puts the negative inernal dialogue in its place and explains the law of attraction in a no non-sense way that really makes sense. She comes from a place of truly wanting to share her story and champion others get out of the rut. I HIGHLY recommend you read this book.

Confident Introvert by Stephanie Thoma

This product was recommended by Stephanie Thoma from StephanieThoma

Networking doesn’t have to feel like a sales-focused event where you’re using people to get ahead. Create meaningful connections, easily strike up genuine conversations, and dazzle people with your natural charm. In Confident Introvert, Stephanie Thoma shows you the key steps you’ll need to take to unlock your potential and win at networking. Within these pages, you’ll discover strategies that go beyond collecting business cards to find your natural confidence and connect with anyone. Confident Introvert will help you build new friendships at online and in-person events for priceless career growth. Whether you’re looking to move ahead in your career or grow a company, Confident Introvert will galvanize you into action and pave a clear path for your networking success.

Ego by Mary Gregory

This product was recommended by Mary Gregory from MaryGregory

Mary is a London based Leadership and Change Coach who launched her book last month. It went straight to the number one spot in the bestsellers list in the Finance section ahead of The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen R. Covey and to top five in Business and Leadership books beating the Sunday Times Bestseller by Ollie Ollerton. Mary, is a sought-after international leadership consultant, has led change for organisations including First Choice Holidays, O2, Ralph Lauren and Tesco. A trusted coach to senior executives, she also designs and delivers large-scale leadership programmes. She wrote the book as a series of lessons she’d learned in supporting leaders in all types of organisations to get the best out of others, maximise their influence and lead change effectively.

Following Through by Steve Levinson

This product was recommended by Steve Levinson from Behavioral Dynamics, Inc.

Following Through is not your typical Rah-Rah, You-Can-Do-It! motivational book. Rather than pumping sunshine up your butt, it reveals the surprising truth about why even highly motivated people so often fail to follow through on their own good intentions. Following Through first shines a spotlight on a design flaw in the human mind that causes us to waste much of the intelligent guidance we give ourselves. Then it teaches readers bold new practical strategies for following through despite – and even with the help of – the design flaw.

Seasons of Life by Jim Rohn

This product was recommended by Andrew Bushard from Free Press Media Press Inc.

This books shows the reader how to leverage every moment of life, from the fast times to the slow times, and from the times of plenty to the times of scarcity. This books teaches us how maximizing every season leads to the best life.

Winning Conditions by Christine Hofbeck

This product was recommended by Chris Russo from Russo Strategic Partners

Author Christine Hofbeck is a motivational speaker, actuary, mother, and former cast member on CBS’s hit TV competition show Survivor. In the business world, she has proven that her methods of playing to win work. In Winning Conditions. Hofbeck shares how people succeed not simply because they deliver a winning work product or idea, but also because they deliver their work or idea in a winning way. Winning Conditions is a joyful, insightful, and empowering read about delivering your work and ideas so that they (and you!) are more likely to be recognized, accepted, and celebrated. By consciously implementing these ideas, you’ll see your colleagues and customers respond more positively to you and your great work. Your strong reputation and overall success will grow. You will begin to win.

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