3 Things To Look For In Brain-Boosting Supplements

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3 Things To Look For In Brain-Boosting Supplements

Mental problems and dysfunctions tend to cause a domino effect on one’s general health, affecting appetite and the development of various conditions. Some may experience difficulty memorizing lessons, remembering things, tasks, or past events. They also become more irritable, ashamed, and bothered when it frequently happens. In the worst cases, it can lead to anxiety and depression.

Nowadays, many diseases and conditions are linked to mental blocks, exhaustion, memory loss, and other mental issues. They may be temporary and curable or result in permanent damage. When the brain is greatly affected, there will be a poor quality of life.

Because of this, brain-boosting supplements are now increasingly popular for people of all ages. They are said to enhance cognitive skills, increase the neurons’ electroconductivity, and prevent premature aging and neurodegeneration. If you want to know more about the benefits and side effects of these supplements, check this post by Wholistic Research or other similar sites for more information.

Things to Look For In Brain Supplements

As they infamously say, your body is a temple – whatever you eat, drink, take, or do greatly influences its many parts. So, if you plan to add some nootropics with your other daily vitamins and minerals, here are three things to look for:

1. Check the Ingredients

When choosing a brain supplement, some experts recommend that it should have the following:

  • B Vitamins

Studies show how vitamins B1, B2, B3, B6, B9, and B12 positively influence the brain. They are commonly prescribed maintenance medicine for people with dementia and other memory loss problems. In addition, they’re great at helping people with bone and joint pains. However, these vitamins can also be used as natural cognitive enhancers when taken in combination. By enhancing cognitive performance, they will help you concentrate better and feel more alert.

  • Vitamin E

Vitamin E is popularly known for its anti-aging effects. However, not only can it delay aging, but it also acts as an antioxidant for cellular damage. It helps remove and excrete free radicals and other metabolic wastes.

Studies show its effect on people with dementia – taken as a daily supplement to help delay neurodegeneration resulting in progressive memory loss and personality problems.

  • Omega-3 fatty acids

Omega-3s are healthy fats found in several types of fish, clams, crustaceans, and some plants, such as almonds, walnuts, pecans, and flaxseed. They are essential for all bodily functions, such as proper heart and brain regulation. Continuous studies are still conducted to know more about its potential health benefits.

  • Other essential vitamins

Vitamins A, C, D, and K are also added to address other deficiencies that may and may not be related to mental health. If you see these vitamins present in your choice of brand, some experts would suggest going for those options as they are complete.

However, if there are other medicines that you usually take, it is still best to consult your medical practitioner if it’s a safe option.

Cognitive improvement or brain supplements. Woman holding a supplement capsule and a model brain.

2. Proper Indication of Your Chosen Brain Supplement

The brain is a very intricate organ composed of millions of neurons. Any stimulus that penetrates the brain and its deeper structures can alter, improve, or damage it chemically and physically.

Not all brain supplements have the same purpose and side effects. You must seek medical advice from your primary care physician to ensure that it’s not contraindicated for you and will not produce harmful and irreversible effects.

When you read the packaging or the small flyer that comes with the brain-boosting supplement, it should give you information on possible side effects. This way, you know what to expect even before you drink them. However, keep in mind that signs and symptoms may vary from person to person, such as brain fog, short-term or long-term memory loss, mental exhaustion, frequent drowsiness, or headaches.

There are supplements formulated specifically for kids, teens, adults, or older people. The side effects are usually mild and resolved shortly. They may also experience anxiety, nausea, insomnia, reduced or increased appetite, increased libido, increased energy level, or improved sexual function. Your chosen brand of supplement must conspicuously display this information as well.

3. FDA Regulated and ISO Accredited

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulates many brain-boosting supplement brands. It’s best to seek suggestions from a medical professional in finding a trusted product. You must always read the packaging or conduct intensive research from credible sites.

An accreditation from the International Organization of Standardization (ISO) may also signify a brain supplement with higher efficacy. You may also check for a Certificate of Analysis, vetted by a credible third party, that the supplement had undergone thorough study and clinical testing for added safety and security.

When Should You Consider Taking Brain Supplements

A brain-boosting supplement can be taken by kids, adults, and older people. You must consider taking a brain supplement when:

  1. You experience frequent mental blocks during examination or reporting
  2. You feel mentally drained and exhausted even in the middle of the day
  3. You experience memory loss, may it be short-term or long-term (e.g., you forget what you ate a few hours ago or important dates such as birthdays and anniversaries)
  4. In some cases, family members or coworkers may have noticed your sudden mood swings or how you forget certain things easily

Things To Do To Further Boost Brain Performance

When you take brain-boosting supplements, some experts suggest incorporating other activities to get the most out of them.

  • Engage in Physical Activities

Exercising delivers a fresh oxygen supply to the brain, thus improving blood flow, removing toxins and wastes, and enhancing overall brain performance. When you engage in physical activities, you also strengthen your cardiorespiratory and musculoskeletal systems.

  • Have A Well-balanced Diet

Due to busy lifestyles, most people always look for fast food products, sweets, carbonated drinks, and other processed food. Studies show that these food categories have a bad influence on your health.

Fats and plaques can block the brain’s arteries, create damage, and may rupture major blood vessels. Sugar makes your blood viscous, hampering your brain’s blood circulation. Although glucose is the only food the brain recognizes, too much of it can also be dangerous.

Instead, increase your intake of fruits, vegetables, and complex carbohydrates to feed your brain and body the nutrients it needs.

  • Practice Mental Exercises

You may have wondered why newspapers have crossword puzzles in them. Long before the proliferation of various social media platforms, gadgets, and television- people had newspapers early in the morning. This serves as their mental exercise to boost brain health.

Neurons are stimulated when you ponder – they increase electroconductivity and prevent cellular damage and degeneration.


Brain health has always been everyone’s concern. These brain-boosting supplements have been proven effective in enhancing cognitive performance. Before you purchase, make sure you read the ingredients, the indications, contraindications, and evidence-based effectiveness.

You may also incorporate other factors to help boost your brain more. Most importantly, consult a medical professional to ensure your safety.

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