Empowering Feminist Anthems that you should consider Adding to your Wedding Playlist

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Photo by Mitchell Orr on Unsplash

Whether you plan to play them at your wedding or just add them to your everyday playlist these impactful songs are both impactful and relationship centered. Your next favorite song could be below!

The Ballad of Erica Levine, by Bob Blue

This product was recommended by Shel Horowitz from Going Beyond Sustainability

Describes a girl’s encounters with various boys who want to marry her–starting at age 7-1/2. She maintains her proud identity and wants to marry only for the right reasons.

Coming for you by Jenn Champion

This product was recommended by Lydia McConnell from Le Chic Miami

Coming for You is a song by a feminist artist from Seattle, Jen Champion. The song is about how love isn’t always going to be easy, but if it’s worth it, you should fight for it and be there for your partner.

Quiet by MILCK

This product was recommended by Karen Norian from Simply Eloped

This song has a quiet intensity that ramps up into a beautiful chorus and lyrics that are simple but so, so meaningful.

No Man is Big Enough for My Arms by Ibeyi

This product was recommended by Karen Norian from Simply Eloped

Audio clips of an empowering Michelle Obama are peppered throughout this song, sending a positive message to women everywhere.

Q.U.E.E.N by Janelle Monae feat. Erykah Badu

This product was recommended by Karen Norian from Simply Eloped

This feminist anthem is a funky, upbeat song that will get all your friends out on the dance floor.

Just One of the Guys by Jenny Lewis

This product was recommended by Karen Norian from Simply Eloped

This song’s so-cal, laid-back vibe makes it perfect for any part of your day, whether it’s on your getting ready playlist or is playing in the background during cocktail hour.

Queen by Perfume Genius

This product was recommended by Karen Norian from Simply Eloped

A mixture of rock and pop, this song highlights the LGBTQ community in a unique and unexpected way.

Fight Song by Rachel Platten

This product was recommended by Samantha Griffith from Loveys Baby Media Inc.

Seeing my good friend walk down the aisle to marry her college crush was moving. However, I was caught off guard when the music started. The song she chose for her wedding was Rachel Platten’s Fight Song. The Fight Song was an unusual song to hear during a bridal walk since it’s not a slow love song. It is upbeat, but I have to admit it worked. She was radiating with confidence.

When I had the chance to talk to her, I asked about the song choice. She said she wanted to feel empowered while walking down the aisle. She continued explaining that even though she’s leaving singlehood, being a mom and a wife is a different battle that she’s preparing to be strong at. Facing marriage with Rachel Platten’s Fight Song gave her the confidence to take on the new challenge..

Girl on Fire by Alicia Keys

This product was recommended by Katie Dames from Feely Feelings

Alicia Keys can certainly capture everyone’s attention and Girl on Fire is the perfect ballad to celebrate the female empowerment of the bride. This song is powerful and uses captivating lyrics to set the tone for the marriage. Keys sings that Everybody stands, as she goes by, Cause they can see the flame that’s in her eyes, Watch her when she’s lighting up the night. Her words tell us that in addition to celebrating the marriage, we are also celebrating the bride.

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