How Companies Can Recruit Non-Traditional Employees

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How Companies Can Recruit Non-Traditional Employees

A non-traditional employee could mean a variety of things, but these individuals are typically the minority within the workplace and make up less than 25 percent of the workforce within a company. Most of the time, employers overlook or exclude these people from the recruitment process. This could include women, people of color, military affiliation, disabilities, and more.

Diversifying your workforce is crucial in driving inclusivity—plus, you may find employees that bring a ton of skills to the table that you would not have found elsewhere. Below you’ll find tips for where to seek out non-traditional individuals to hire.

Edit Job Requirements

The language you are using on your job requirements when you post a position could have an effect on who applies for the job. Include wording that is not intimidating in your job description and be more lenient on restrictions and requirements to pull in a larger pool of candidates. Give workers a glimpse into the workplace by describing your company and what you hope to gain from new candidates.

Promote Workplace Inclusivity

Non-traditional workers will not want to work in a hostile or non-inclusive environment. Highlight your inclusivity within the job description and your desire to diversify your staff. List the company values and morals, so people have a better understanding of what your business stands for.

Outsource recruitment

Outsourcing recruitment can be beneficial for a company in many ways. Firstly, it can save time and resources for the company by delegating the hiring process to a third-party agency. Secondly, it can lead to better quality hires as the recruitment agency has expertise and experience in sourcing and evaluating candidates. Additionally, outsourcing recruitment can provide flexibility and scalability to a company’s hiring process, allowing them to quickly ramp up or down their hiring efforts as per their business needs. A startup recruiting agency can be particularly helpful in this regard as it can offer specialised services to small and medium-sized businesses, such as customised recruitment strategies, targeted candidate sourcing, and personalised candidate screening. They can also provide cost-effective solutions and help startups build a strong talent pipeline for future hiring needs.

Minimize Barriers

Some barriers that you might have in place now are degree requirements. You may want to change this criteria because certain aspects could prevent a candidate from applying for your job. For example, the degree barrier can prevent you from hiring military veterans because they might not have had time to complete a higher education before or after becoming a service member.

Seek Out Organizations

Many of these individuals who are non-traditional employees are also a part of organizations and community groups. Reach out to these clubs to gather a potential pool of candidates for your company. Recruit these workers by speaking to students on campus or visiting programs that offer aid to non-traditional groups of people.

Don’t look in the obvious places for employees and workers; many individuals are qualified but cannot apply because of requirements, restrictions, and inclusivity issues. Not only will this open doors for non-traditional workers, but it could open doors for your company to bring in fresh ideas. Expand your candidate pool and adjust your strategy for recruiting non-traditional employees.

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