How To Become A Successful Student – Basic Rules

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For a first-year student, studying can seem like the hardest process of life. Figuring out how to study properly so you don’t fall behind during your studies and be on par with the best will make the overall learning process much easier. The expert authors of college assignments on will tell you how to become a successful student.

Set goals and priorities

One enters college first and foremost in order to master a profession. Often it is in college that future career building begins. So it’s important to set goals (there may be several) and priorities as early as possible.

Most majors have several specializations. It is best to assess the nuances of each of them in practice. For example, a future lawyer, in order to determine the specialization, you can get an internship in a notary or law office.

After determining the goals it is necessary to formulate the tasks for their implementation. Here are examples of possible tasks:

  • to attend classes of the student circle;
  • to engage in research under the guidance of a teacher, authoritative in this area;
  • to decide on the specialization and, accordingly, the theme of the future diploma, etc.

A big mistake is made by students who neglect the study of theoretical disciplines, as they create a foundation for mastering subsequent subjects. For example, it is impossible to comprehend the basics of constructing various mechanisms without a solid knowledge of physics and theoretical mechanics.

In addition, to participate in scholarship programs and grants you need to have good grades in all subjects.

Broadening your mind

You should not limit yourself to academic disciplines, but constantly broaden your horizons. This can be useful and in subsequent professional activities. For example, a future manager needs to be able to achieve the client’s disposition. This includes maintaining a conversation on topics of interest to him, which may relate to hobbies, politics, or the books he has read.

Study regularly

It is impossible to master a subject the night before an exam. Even if you sit the exam, the knowledge you gain in the exam will “sink in” quickly. Only regular study can lay the foundation for the necessary knowledge and practical skills. But it is necessary to build the learning process correctly, to take breaks during classes, to change your posture more often.

An important skill is to write down information, highlighting the main things. This will help to keep correct notes. One of the options is to apply Cornell’s system:

  • divide the sheet into two parts, leaving free space (~1/3) for comments;
  • make spaces between paragraphs;
  • make headings and subsections.

In addition to comments, you can make notes, write down questions that arise, associations, etc.


Both seminars and lectures should be attended. Often an instructor, especially one with a lot of experience, gives more than is written in the textbook and gives interesting examples from his or her own practice. There is an opportunity to ask him all the questions you are interested in.

The rule “students live merrily from session to session” does not work in today’s reality. Studying must be regular. It is especially important if the university applies point-rating system of marks, when students are evaluated not only by their answers to exams, but also by their work during the whole semester. Any absences from class then greatly reduce the student’s grade point average.

Many students struggle to balance school, work, and other commitments, which can make it difficult to find the time and energy to study consistently. Luckily, there are essay writing services such as that can help you stay on top of your coursework by providing expert essay help and guidance.

Preparing for examinations

Preparing for exams, you need to divide the material into parts, by the number of days, and in each topic to allocate small sections. After repeating each section, take a short break to eat or rest.

Preparing for exams can be more successful if you learn at least the basic basics of time management, for example from books by Brian Tracy. You can put a special application on your smartphone or tablet (e.g. Trello). If you use time management skillfully, part of your time will be freed up for rest, hobbies, or socializing with friends. It is possible to work in a group of several people.

It is known that the best way to understand a material is to explain it to another. In addition, studying together develops teamwork skills that will be useful even after graduation. Mastering such skills (also called Soft Skills) is now one of the necessary requirements of employers.

Modern teaching methods such as mental maps, associative series, visualization of material in the form of various graphs, diagrams, and logical schemes will also help to master the material.

Particular attention should be paid to the most obscure parts of the course: read additional literature, find the necessary information on the Internet. Before the exam you need to get some sleep. This will help save your nervous system from overwork.

Self-discipline and self-control

The educational process in the university is different from the school one: there is no obligatory check of homework, the students have more freedom and less control. In such an environment, it is easy to let your studies slip, especially in the junior year. The only way not to succumb to the temptations of the free life is self-discipline and self-control.

One of the constant distractions for today’s students is social media. Young people often spend several hours every day communicating in various messengers. You should strictly limit the time you spend in social networks, and during classes it is better to switch off your phone or put it on silent.

If you ever get sidetracked during class and realize that there’s no way to finish your written assignments in time, fear not – a college paper writing services such as are here to help! They have the resources and expertise needed to ensure that all of your work gets done quickly while maintaining high quality standards.

Physical activity

It is important for a successful student not only to master his or her future profession, but also to stay healthy. The most reliable way is to engage in physical training and sports, sleep at least 8 hours a day, keep physically active, walk more in the fresh air. You can combine these activities with training, for example, listen to audio books during your morning run.

Don’t forget about relaxation

Student life should not only be full of studies, but also interesting. After all, it is usually remembered for a lifetime as a bright and fun time. A successful student is not only high academic performance, but also visiting exhibitions, museums and student festivals.

After all, many students, especially those from the provinces, get their first opportunity just during their studies in metropolitan cities and megalopolises. Thus, almost every student can be successful if he really wants to be.

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