List of Books On Empowering Yourself

23 mins read
Image by Susanne Jutzeler, suju-foto from Pixabay

Need some recommendations? Here I’ve compiled some of my faves for you. What do all the books on this list have in common, other than being written by some pretty fabulous women? They’re all about amazing women as well — women who ventured risks, dared to dream big, and took life into their own hands. These are women who not only changed the world, but who inspired change and growth in themselves along the way. And after devouring these fabulous reads, you’ll become totally inspired too; Girl Scout’s honor.

What It Means To Be Empowered

Empowerment is the state of being “to give power to”, or, in other words, to enable and to give confidence or competence. This is a feeling that we all want to feel, so we’re empowered to act. It’s not something that you can totally control or create since a lot of it depends on our own internal motivations and desires. Plus, being empowered also means something different to every person.

For some women, it means domestic bliss and being a wife and mother. For others, being empowered feels like they have taken control of their lives and have ordered together everything and everyone in their household. A more recent definition of empowerment, however, came when the female population took control of their bodies after the birth control pill was released in the 1960’s. Essentially, they took the power over their own bodies so that they could choose when and if they wanted to be a mother.

Empowering Yourself By Empowering Others

What does empowerment mean to you? Do you consider yourself empowered? Do you think you’re empowered enough?

This is an important question to ask yourself. I know when I really want something, I feel the most empowered. Whether I get it or not, this empowerment lasts for a day or two and then is morphed into action. I have goals that I want to accomplish and I know that time is finite, so I don’t wait around for things. If I want it, I go after it.

Women of a distinctively feminist ideology often struggle with feeling empowered because in order to feel empowered, you have to feel strong and confident. This is because, even if you’re generally confident, there are undoubtedly some aspects of your life in which you feel less confident. For example, I feel completely empowered with some aspects of my life, like tackling finances, like cooking and cleaning, and like conquering a new skill. I struggle to feel empowered with other aspects of my life, like my relationship with my husband, my decision to become a stay at home parent, or deciding where my career will go next.

Reasons Why Self-Empowerment Is Important

Self-empowerment allows you to take the wheel of your life, pursue the things that really matter to you, and live a full and satisfying life. Today’s article explains three reasons why self-empowerment is important and more importantly, four practical ways to empower yourself.

4 Ways To Empower Yourself

  • Self-esteem challenges & high expectations. “It’s a rough, tough world out there.” It’s a common refrain that you’ll hear a lot, if you’re looking hard enough.
  • It’s true, every day you’ll encounter a lot of tough situations. If you’re anything like me, you’ll stumble at times. You might make mistakes. You might feel like you’re not enough, or that you don’t have the talent to follow through with your ambitious plans.
  • Fortunately, I’ve learned a key lesson of self-empowerment: the importance of moving past the mistakes and the doubts, and taking action again even when we’re feeling the worst.
  • Self-empowerment is a process of leaving behind self-doubt, negativity, and self-criticism, in order to live boldly in the present moment. It requires that we criticize ourselves less, and instead focus on our own individual strength. It’s a process of moving past negative feelings and external influence, in order to live according to our own internal truth. This message may sound simple enough. But as with anything else, achieving the end results requires practice and persistence.

How to Feel Empowered & in Control

To feel more empowered, you need to first know what empowerment means. The word-empowerment is a big, all-encompassing word. While it just means that you are self-sufficient and you have the skills and knowledge to take control of your own life, it encompasses a lot under the umbrella.

Defining Empowerment: It Means Knowing You Will Be Okay on Your Own

If you have ever been told that you need a man to make you happy and to have complete happiness in your life, then you know that is a load of crap. Sure, I love a good guy in my life. What woman wouldn’t? But that doesn’t mean that I can’t survive without one. I am empowered to live a full life on my own and I don’t need a man in order for me to succeed in life.

And You Know What? It Feels Amazing!

Everyone knows that being your own person is the way to go. Do what you want, be who you are, and don’t hold back your feelings just because you fear the disapproval of others.

So, what can you do to become more empowered and ultimately have that wonderful life that you have always desired? Let’s explore.

1. Know Your Value. It is essential to know the value of your mind, body, and soul. I know that if I took myself out of the equation, I would always want to be around someone who does so much for others. If you know your value and you nurture your mind, body, and soul, you will definitely attract someone who will know how to treat you. And that person is worth fighting for as opposed to someone who will treat you as less than what you are.

2. Break the Norm. The norms and ideals of society have been changed over and over again over the years. Sure, the whole point of society is to help us advance to a better place, but we must also feel free to express ourselves. Not only should this be encouraged in others, but we should be encouraging it in ourselves. As social beings, we are constantly in front of a mirror. We see ourselves in comparison to others as we run into them in our daily lives. Get better, become more, and stop thinking of the norm and its ideals.

3. Ask for What You Want in Your Future. Do you know what you want to teach your future children? Have you ever thought about what will your ideal family life look like? While we try to avoid planning out our future and dwell in the present, it is important to have goals that make us happier. If you are not happy in your life now, what makes you think that you will be happy in the future? Asking yourself what your future could look like will help you get there.

Us & Everything Else by Françoise Hélène

This product was recommended by Francoise Chouinard from N/A

This book will take your mind and heart on a unique journey. It is highly inspiring and life-changing. The author shares parts of her self-love journey; there is a uniqueness about the story. These poems are nurturing for the soul, and teach us life lessons such as acceptance, the Importance of diversity, authenticity and more.

Start by Jon Acuff

This product was recommended by Marcio Delgado from N/A

I just finished reading, for the second time, a book called #Startby Wall Street Journal best-selling author Jon Acuff and, although it was firstlaunched in 2013, it feels very relevant and current because it is about makingthings happen, instead of blaming any circumstances. We need to empowerourselves with any tools we can find, right now, and this isn’t a self-help book, it is a practical how-to manual to start changes in live and in business.

Smart Women, Smart Habits by Obu Ramaraj

This product was recommended by Obu Ramaraj from Smart Women Smart Habits

This book has so many useful tips and instant action items to not only empower your mind but also to take control of your finances through habits. A must read for anyone looking to empower themselves.

7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen R. Covey

This product was recommended by John Bedford from Viva Flavor

Procrastination through inspiration is a real thing. It took me a while to realize that many of the empowerment books I was tearing through were simply highly focused derivative takes on Stephen Covey’s founding principles in 7 Habits of Highly Effective People It’s the reason I recommend this book to everyone, and then recommend they don’t move on until they’ve actually put the principles into action. It teaches you how to be a more productive, focused person not only for your own benefit, but for the benefit of those around you. In fact he argues that the two are inextricably connected. With this book under your belt you’ll understand not only your true values, but the impact of those values on other people. From there, you have the blueprint you need to live your best life – if you’re prepared to put the work in, that is.

The Conscious Parent by Shefali Tsabary

This product was recommended by Dhanya G. from Parenting Passage

This is not another parenting strategies book it is an insightful look into ourselves, our own baggage and how we as parents pass this on to our children. It empowers you to be a better parent by looking within yourself and changing your behaviours.

Master Your Brain by Phillip Adcock

This product was recommended by Phillip Adcock from Adcock Solutions Limited

Master Your Brain will help propel you toward greater accomplishments in business, finance, health, and love. Pulling from wide-ranging research on the brain and the latest discoveries in psychology and neuroscience, this book gives you a systematic, methodical approach to getting the most from your mind and programming it for success. Commercial psychologist Phillip Adcock explains in plain English why the brain functions as it does. Then he offers scientifically based techniques for harnessing the power of your emotions, conquering your fears, mastering communication and relationships, overcoming social obstacles, and clarifying what you really want to achieve. Step-by-step exercises show you how to visualize success, take command of your physiology, track your milestones, and more. With this book, you can better understand the behavior of your bosses and colleagues and positively influence the feelings and behavior of others. It’s all right here at your fingertips.

Dare to Lead by Brené Brown

This product was recommended by Lucy Johnson from Vegan Sisters

As a female business owner I’m sure you can imagine I’ve had my share of unfortunate events and encounters with other people. It was enough to grind me down, causing me to recoil and ultimately give up on many of my previous ventures. This isn’t a woman’s world, you will find many obstacles in your path and you will meet many people who don’t want to see you succeed. You will be shown up for your vulnerabilities – in my case, my femininity has made me feel vulnerable. As Brené Brown tells us, we all have our own set of vulnerabilities, no matter our gender, race, age, etc. We need to embrace our vulnerability, because without it we don’t have courage. And without courage we can’t change the world. I read her book in the morning and it motivates me to get back behind my laptop and continue pushing my own messages of empowerment to others.

What a Time to Be Alone by Chidera Eggerue

This product was recommended by Elaine Malone from XOmisse

From online influencer Chidera Eggerue, aka The Slumflower, this is positioned as ‘essential reading for all young women’. It’s all of the things you know deep down but often forget, filled with pages of quotes and lessons that a friend would say to you while you’re going through a difficult time but you wouldn’t say to yourself and a perfect little reminder of your own self-worth. This is not for you if you’re looking for something deep, but it’s beautifully illustrated and definitely a feel good book that can sit on your coffee table for when you need a pick-me-up.

Girl, Wash Your Face by Rachel Hollis

This product was recommended by Tracey Osborne from Becoming Her

Girl, Wash Your Face: Stop Believing the Lies About Who You Are So You Can Become Who You Were Meant to Be Rachel Hollis provides a no-nonsense approach to changing how we think and feel about ourselves. We are masters at self-loathing and negative inner talk. Rachel calls us out on our BS and helps us to find ourselves again.

21 Days to a Big Idea by Bryan Mattimore

This product was recommended by Bryan Mattimore from Growth Engine Innovation Agency

Inspired by a request from a Columbia Business School professor to help his MBA entrepreneurial students invent better ideas for their new ventures, 21 Days to a Big Idea leads the reader through a fun, easy-to-learn and apply process to invent and develop “the next big thing!” Research has shown that because the exercises are so simple, there is no trouble learning and applying the creative techniques in 21 Days to a Big Idea. Or… Blinkist describes the book this way: “In 21 Days to a Big Idea, Bryan Mattimore shares simple techniques to coax out big ideas – applicable to anyone who’s keen to start a business but needs to refine their selling points. This isn’t just one of the best books for business owners – it’s also a guide to life for all those who want to follow where their creativity leads.”

Evolution of Goddess by Emma Mildon

This product was recommended by Candess Zona-Mendola from Make Food Safe

By examining goddess myths, folklore, and archetypes, Mildon seeks to encourage her readers to look within themselves to find their own inner goddess. For someone who wants a light-hearted book with colloquial prose to help them explore their femininity and feel empowered in the porcess, this one is it.

The Game of Life and How To Play It by Florence Scovel Shinn

This product was recommended by Krista Barranco from Superconscious Podcast

This book will shift your perspective around how to make life work for you. Do you have those friends or acquaintances that always seem to get lucky? They seem to have some elusive special ingredient on how they live their life that always makes them a winner. That is not a coincidence and this book tells you how to always be the lucky one.

This Proud Heart by Pearl S. Buck

This product was recommended by Daniel Juhl Mogensen from Kodyl

I would love to recommend This Proud Heart by Pearl S. Buck because it talks a lot about self-confidence trough a captivating story about aspiring young artist in a man’s world. This book teaches us we should make the best out of our lives and follow our dreams despite what society tells us. It sends a strong message that we don’t have to meet anybody’s expectations except our owns and that we can achieve anything we set our minds to. The message of the book gets stronger if we consider that it depicts the struggles of a woman to be what she wants to be, where everything that surrounds her – law, state, society, and even her closest ones, are against her.

The Confidence Code by Katty Kay

This product was recommended by Mikkel Andreassen from Dixa

This book guides a budding entrepreneur to gain confidence and act as leaders, without falling into traps of perfectionism, or self-doubt. It combines clinical and conversational, experience-based research to argue in favor of women entrepreneurs adopting a kind of self-confident behavior that is typically seen in men. For any man or woman seeking to understand the mindset of empowerment, I would highly recommend reading The Confidence Code.

And It Took Two Years by Scott Spiess

This product was recommended by Michelle Gamble from 3L Publishing

When new author Scott Spiess discovered he had a life-threatening heart condition, his old life began to crumble—and through that crumbling Spiess gave himself two years to make serious changes in his life. His new book It Took Two Years chronicles how Spiess went from a type A, control freak to a peaceful Reiki Master, Buddhist, and Massage Therapist. And It Took Two Years walks readers through Spiess’ two-year journey to just let the Universe (God, Spirit or whatever you prefer to call it) steer for a while. This experience took Scott through several therapists, classes to learn how to become a Reiki Master, and a 500-hour education in massage therapy.

The Health Care Consumer’s Manifesto by Deborah Dove Gordon

This product was recommended by Deborah Gordon from HealthCareConsumersManifesto

Americans love to shop — for just about everything. But when it comes to health care, American consumers spend a trillion dollars out of pocket but scarcely recognize their role as the customer. Many consumers feel ill-equipped to get what they need for their health care spending. Sick, scared, or confused, we feel like we don’t have any choices at all. In health care, many of us lack competence, confidence, or even the imagination to consider ourselves agents in health care purchasing decisions. This book demystifies the confusing and frustrating world of health care through real consumer stories and expert analysis —explained in plain language. Readers learn why health care is so messy, who is invested in keeping it that way, and what consumers can do for themselves to get what they truly need. From the reviewers: “Like a trusted friend who knows exactly what she’s talking about, Deb Gordon guides us masterfully through the health care maze … encouraging and empowering consumers to navigate their own unique challenges. There is hope! We need this book more than ever.” —Jane Clayson Johnson, former ABC and CBS news correspondent and co-host of CBS’s The Early Show; author, Silent Souls Weeping

The War of Art by Steven Pressfield

This product was recommended by Ahmed Ali from InstaConnect

This book explains the importance of creativity in our lives. Not only that, but it also explains how creativity is a way to work on our personal development. The author evokes how hard it is to put ourselves in action when we strive to create something new but also how resistance creates roadblocks whenever we are about to get to a new level of our life. If you really want to create a fulfilling art of living for yourself, you definitely have to read this book.

Overcoming Underearning by Barbara Stanny

This product was recommended by Ahmed Ali from InstaConnect

The book breaks down five stumbling blocks that make us feel financially powerless. The book gives us a reminder that with some focus and a commitment to changing our behaviors, we can create greatness. The book is a perfect combination of spirituality and down to earth tools. This book has the tendency to make you feel that you can handle the beast that is financial responsibility.

Strung Out by Erin Khar

This product was recommended by Erin Khar from ErinKhar

This book would be perfect for “empowering yourself” because it shares the journey about Erin Khar’s fifteen-year battle with heroin addiction and how she overcame it. Khar sheds light on the opioid crisis in America and shares how motherhood ultimately pulled her out of addiction, onto self-forgiveness and into a better life.

Great Leaders Live Like Drug Addicts by Michael Brody-Waite

This product was recommended by Mariah Terry from K2 Krupp Kommunications, Inc.

Great Leaders Live Like Drug Addicts is not just a leadership book – it is the first book to take what every addict learns in recovery, and adapt it as a how-to for great leaders. It doesn’t matter if you are the CEO of a Fortune 500 company, a manager at a small business, or a stay at home mom, the lessons taught in this book are for anyone looking to live and lead authentically. The 3-step mask-free program teaches readers actionable things that they can do to better their lives.

The ABCs of Self Love by Melody Godfred

This product was recommended by Melody Godfred from Fred and Far

THE ABCs OF SELF LOVE is a short, inspiring book in which each letter of the alphabet represents a different tenet of self-love. Through a unique style that incorporates poetry, memoir and a self-love exercise to transform concept into action, Melody empowers the reader to get in touch with her most genuine, authentic self (or as Melody describes it, her “me”). From authenticity and gratitude to vulnerability and surrender, each chapter of THE ABCs OF SELF LOVE provides much-needed guidance for women who are ready to shed the weight of shame, guilt, regret and self-doubt.

Personal Transformation Help by Mitch Williams

This product was recommended by Mitch Williams from Mitch Williams Magic Productions

This book takes a really unique look at personal development, with magic as its main theme for transformation and peak performance. It also expands its premises from the personal level to also include the collective, societal level. Combining modern psychology and peak performance strategies with ancient spiritual wisdom, A Call to Magic is a mind expanding exploration into our greatest human potentials.

Battle Endurance by Nate Battle

This product was recommended by Nate Battle from Nate Battle Coach

If you are searching for a tool to help you sift through the noise, overcome obstacles, and find your true purpose in life, this is your book. Let’s face it, life is hard, it is going to be unfair, and people simply don’t always play by the rules. Given that, it’s best to equip yourself, sooner rather than later, with a tool to help you manage through the challenges you will inevitably face in life so you can find and live your true purpose. This book will help you do just that. It lays out a roadmap on how you can look beyond challenges, expectations, and facades to empower yourself. It was written with the idea that as the reader, you can replace the challenges presented with your own, being able to see yourself while learning how to let go, work through conflict, obstacles, and difficulties and limiting negative self-talk, one step, action, moment and battle at a time. Shared are many stories, and approaches on letting go, how to live in the present, and have a full and more peaceful life. It’s engaging and relatable while including an honest selection of experiences readers of all ages will find as useful tools to help live a full life. This book puts language around so many feelings I had. It also reminds me of a place of peace that must be maintained for me to avoid those pitfalls. A book which motivational speaker Les Brown calls instructive, informative, and inspiring … a guide to live your life victoriously.

The Power of Positive Thinking by Normal Vincent Peale

This product was recommended by Stefanie Lesser from Hope & Love Radio

An international bestseller, with oover 50 million copies in the world, this book has helped others reach the fulfillment they wanted to achieve in their lives The Power of Postiive thinking teaches you how to believe in yourself, how to build new determination, how to be kind to yourself, improve your relationships and more. Through the faith and inspiration that we all need, this empowering self help book, can teach how to create more satisfaction in our lives. We all need the right tools to get us there.

Daring Greatly by Brené Brown

This product was recommended by Elle Meager from Outdoor Happens

Brene Brown has an uncanny ability to identify with you. She addresses issues we all have experienced at some point in our lives and most likely have been too ashamed to speak of. Brene unashamedly lays bare these “shameful” issues and explains why being vulnerable is, in reality, being strong. The book says: “How the courage to be vulnerable transforms the way we live, love, parent, and lead.” It takes a lot of courage to be vulnerable and this book has thoroughly changed my life by explaining how to do so, and how not to feel ashamed about it. I recommend everyone to read this book. It’s eye-opening and backed by her innovative research. The Roosevelt quote that the book is named after now hangs above my desk. I read it every day, to remind myself the dare greatly because: “It’s not the critic who counts. Not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood. Who strives valiantly;…who at the best knows, in the end, the triumph of high achievement, and who at worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly.”–Theodore Roosevelt

Empowering Yourself by Harvey J Coleman

This product was recommended by Noman Asghar from Fan Jackets

Empowering Yourself: The Organizational Game Revealed 2nd ed. Edition by Harvey J Coleman Interesting book for self empowering, specially in organization. You may have facing difficulties in your career instead of doing hard you haven’t get the success or promotion. This book explains how anyone can improve him/her by self confidence and work smartly.

One Thousand Wells by Jena Lee Nardella

This product was recommended by D. Gilson from BroadFormInsurance

Memoirs are often empowering because they’re often stories of overcoming or overachieving. I love One Thousand Wells because it’s one important aide worker’s journey to realizing that sometimes the world needs not saving in the most literal sense, but loved in all its imperfections. The story makes me feel more empowered in all my imperfections, too.

When Dogs Fly by Olga Horvat

This product was recommended by Olga Horvat from Royal Dogs Gallery

I believe that your audience can benefit from my book, When Dogs Fly: Adult Coloring Book for Relaxation & Meditation. It’s truly empowering! This book is perfect for someone who feels restless and stressed. It can help you take your mind away from the difficult times and access your inner joy, by coloring. This practical meditation guide is designed to quiet your mind with 30 exquisite illustrations and inspirational quotes. When Dogs Fly can help you relieve your tension during this stay-at-home time, and remind you of how awesome life is!

Following Through by Steve Levinson

This product was recommended by Steve Levinson from Behavioral Dynamics, Inc.

Following Through is not your typical Rah-Rah, You-Can-Do-It! motivational book. Rather than pumping sunshine up your butt, it reveals the surprising truth about why even highly motivated people so often fail to follow through on their own good intentions. Following Through first shines a spotlight on a design flaw in the human mind that causes us to waste much of the intelligent guidance we give ourselves. Then it teaches readers bold new practical strategies for following through despite – and even with the help of – the design flaw.

Know Your Worth by Antoinette & Renee Beauchamp

This product was recommended by Antoinette Beauchamp from One & Many

One of the most effective ways to embrace empowerment is to do the work. Luckily, there’s an easy workbook for that! Know Your Worth is a coaching workbook that gives you a fresh mindset, challenges the status quo, and increases your level of self-worth and confidence so you can face the world head-on and heart-first. This workbook will help you open your eyes to your worth and develop a more empowered mindset. By the end of the workbook, you’ll have the tools and the motivation to make the changes you need to start living the life you were born to live. In the workbook, you’ll find a mix of developmental exercises, meditations, deep self-reflections, and more — all designed to create a comprehensive program with empowerment in mind! This workbook will take you to the edge of your boundaries, where you can expand, fly, and take your life to the next level.

Start with Why by Simon Sinek

This product was recommended by Yash Sharma from Learnerzhub

This book is so inspiring for anyone serving anything. It helps us in how to make loyal and permanent customers or fans of your products or services. As the title suggests, the book is about starting something new by first answering Why ie. Why that thing should be done. The author makes a convincing argument about how new endeavors become successful when people including team members, customers, and vendors understand the importance of an endeavor. The author has written that most people start by answering What and then go on to answer How. He however, encourages to start by stating the reason and purpose (Why). He affirms that starting with What can confuse the people and lead to unsuccessful results. He says that once people understand the purpose, they themselves figure out the How and What.

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