The Best Books For A Happier Life

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Photo by Karolina Grabowska
This article showcases our top picks for the Books For A Happier Life. We reached out to industry leaders and experts who have contributed the suggestions within this article (they have been credited for their contributions below). We are keen to hear your feedback on all of our content and our comment section is a moderated space to express your thoughts and feelings related (or not) to this article This list is in no particular order.

Tell the Machine Goodnight by Katie Williams

This product was recommended by Jennifer Caloyeras from Books Are My People

It’s up to Pearl to make people happy as an employee of a company that sells a happiness machine. She uses the machine to individuate what each customer needs to achieve happiness. But can a machine read emotion better than a human? While this book has a sci-fy slant, it’s a perfect pick me up that explores a mother – son relationship through the lens of finding happiness.

Tiny Beautiful Things by Cheryl Strayed

This product was recommended by Amber Haggerty from Amber Everywhere

Tiny Beautiful Things is a collection of letters to the editor, Sugar, about life’s problems from grief to infidelity to grappling with boundaries with loved ones. The advice is thoughtfully crafted and boundlessly empathetic; you’ll feel like Sugar is talking directly to you, even if the original question feels irrelevant to your life. To be happy, we need to find a way to love ourselves. We need to hold ourselves in unconditional positive regard, treating ourselves with the knowledge that we’re OK and we’re doing our very best, regardless of what that looks like at any given moment. Tiny Beautiful Things is a masterclass love – love for yourself, for everyone around you, and for people you’ll never meet.

The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up by Marie Kondō

This product was recommended by Jesse Jack from The Tiny Home Gym

Not just a great book on organizing your home and decluttering your non-essential items, but also a wonderful life philosophy: remove all the unnecessary, non-essential items from your life and keep what sparks joy. Become intentional with your environment and what you surround yourself with in order to live your best life.

How to Be Really, Really, Really Happy by Bo Sanchez

This product was recommended by Arvie Narido from Gift Rabbit

How to be really, really, really happy is a gold mine of funny anecdotes and life insights from the author himself, Bo Sanchez (who I believe is a very happy man). He shares his experiences and encounters with God in a way that your favorite teacher tells you a funny story that will end you up cracking. Despite its God-centered theme, this book can warm up the hearts of everyone looking for happiness in their lives. So whether you are a devoted Christian or looking to dip your toes in finding out who God is, this book is a must-read!

The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin

This product was recommended by Inez Stanway from Live Laugh Create

In this hugely popular book, author Gretchen Rubin sets out to discover what brings her happiness and how she can increase her levels of happiness through small, daily tweaks to her routine. Full of useful tips and inspiring real-life stories, The Happiness Project is a great read for anyone looking for actionable advice on how to improve their life.

Almost Happy by Brian Kaplan MD

This product was recommended by Hephzibah Kaplan from Almost Happy

Almost Happy offers a different approach to having a happier life. Based on decades of clinical experience, the Kaplans recognise that we are not just one self with one way of being all the time, in fact we are a multiplicity of sub-selves. This is not a new theory but what is new is the notion that we can use warm-hearted humor to quieten down those sub-selves that have become too loud or even over-bearing. The parts of ourselves that act out and may show up as the petulant teenager, the control freak, the one who cannot seem to manage their bad habits, the single-minded and so on. *Almost Happy *is a beautifully designed book with 114 original images of the various sub-selves in everyday life, paired with useful, humorous, ironic provocative suggestions as to how to manage these potentially destructive dominant sub-selves. When we can keep all our sub-selves in harmonious relationship to each other, creating a symphony of sub-selves, we are de facto, way way happier! And so are our friends and family!

The Kids’ Money Book by Jamie Kyle McGillian

This product was recommended by Sharon Sanders from Philadelphia Weekly

The book The Kids’ Money Book: Earning, Saving, Spending, Investing, Donating by Jamie Kyle McGillian is one of the best finance books for kids. It teaches kids how to create a budget, earn money from allowance and make it bigger, invest, and donate as well. It tackles the basic financial lessons but in a simple and fun way. Hence, this is a really good financial starter book for kids.

Leadership Rites of Passage by Rick Tirrell

This product was recommended by Abigail Richards from Tech President

This is a good leadership book because it is very easy to read and understand. The book is made of good quality material and is hardbound. This is a good read for any aspiring leader entrepreneur because it teaches how to handle core issues in businesses and leadership. It also teaches you how to become a leader and a follower at the same time. Hence, such a good book to read.

The Happiness Advantage by Shawn Achor

This product was recommended by Stephanie Wilson from Policy Solver

The book The Happiness Advantage is helpful for anyone looking for tips on how to be happier and more successful. The book is authored by Shawn Achor, a lecturer at Harvard University who designed Harvard’s Happiness course. He claims that everyone wants to be happy and that most people want to be more successful. The book describes how people hold the belief that working hard will increase your success, and that happiness will follow from success. The idea that we will be content if and when we are successful is easily debunked by the author. He continues by explaining that success and performance are truly driven by happiness. Once you give it some thought, it makes sense. The more optimistic we are, the more involved, creative, able to handle stress, and productive we are. This book will change your perspective on how to achieve true happiness.

10% Happier by Dan Harris

This product was recommended by Min Tom from Happy Hong Konger

A life-changing journey taken by a highly brilliant guy toward a better understanding of what defines who we are at our very best is told in this compellingly honest, delightfully intriguing, and at times heartwarming story.

The Art of Happiness by Dalai Lama

This product was recommended by Eleanor Fletcher from The Best Brisbane

This demonstrates how to ride through life’s challenges on a profound and enduring source of inner calm by examining a variety of aspects of daily life, such as relationships, loss, and the chase of riches.

Hugs Help by Randy Stocker

This product was recommended by Randy Stocker from Hugs Help

This book, Hugs Help, offers solutions to Understanding Your Grief, How to help others who are grieving, and How to be a true friend to someone who is grieving. Most people are happier when they are more comfortable knowing how to help someone who is grieving. Hugs Help offers that solution. This book is a highly recommend read to anybody who needs practical advice about grief or helping someone who is greiving. PS–The author is a professional speaker based in Rochester, MN. He is also the survivor of the death of his mother and two daughters to a semi-truck driver who was reading a book when he broadsided the car and killed Mom, Jenelle, and Amy.

Notes from a friend by Anthony Robbins

This product was recommended by Elijah Miller from RC Ride On Cars

This book is one of the best things you can read if you struggle with your mental health, which is one of the most important factors in living a happy life. I read it front to back within a few days and learned so much about how to make positive changes in my life. Every chapter is a lesson and it has a challenge for readers at the end – one of the best things I’ve ever done for myself, my family, and my business. I’d recommend everyone read it!

Brain Makeover by Phyllis Ginsberg

This product was recommended by Granger McCollough from Elite Patio Direct

It’s a quick and easy guide to reprogramming your brain to encourage positivity and clean, clear thinking to help you achieve a happier, more fruitful, and rewarding daily existence. The biggest obstacle that most of us will ever face on the path to happiness is ourselves and Ginsberg’s book teaches the reader how to overcome that hurdle and be what we all want to be. Happy.

Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert T. Kiyosaki

This product was recommended by Alex Capozzolo from SD House Guys

This book is great for anyone trying to clean up their finances or start any type of investing. It’s a perfect entry point into how you should think about your investments and financial opportunities, and the author makes these concepts easy to understand. It’s also a great resource if you are a parent and want to talk to your kids about money. Pick up the 20th-anniversary edition for updated comments and how these methods have stood the test of time.

The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg

This product was recommended by Sarah Watson from BPTLAB

The Power of Habit explores the science behind why we do what we do, revealing that the key to breaking bad habits is understanding how they work. Drawing on cutting-edge research in neuroscience and psychology, journalist Charles Duhigg explains why some people are able to stick to good habits while others cannot; why some people can overcome addiction while others cannot; and why some people seem to be born with an innate sense of self-control while others seem to lack it completely. The book offers readers a step-by-step program for breaking bad habits and forming good ones based on the latest scientific discoveries. It is an essential read for anyone who wants to understand why we do what we do – and how we can change.

Authentic Happiness by Martin E. P. Seligman

This product was recommended by Cory Peterson from LedLightingSupply

Martin Seligman is a pioneer of positive psychology. He promotes positive thinking to live a better and happy life. He does not believe luck or genes play a role in authentic happiness. He explains that true happiness stems from *personal* *growth* and focusing on your strengths. The book is written beautifully and provides practical insights to increase one’s happiness. Seligman asks us to stop looking for passing moments of happiness. Instead, focus on strengthening yourself and finding authentic happiness.

Smarter Faster Better by Charles Duhigg

This product was recommended by Marty Ford from Bulletproof Roof Systems Ltd.

In his New York Times bestseller, Charles Duhigg takes us to the thrilling edge of scientific discoveries that explain why habits exist and how they can be changed. With penetrating intelligence and an ability to distill vast amounts of information into engrossing narratives, Duhigg brings to life a full new understanding of the human potential. Riveting stories about company managers, FBI agents, airplane pilots, and football teams offer lessons for making our own lives richer and more productive. Smarter Faster Better is a groundbreaking exploration of the science of productivity, one that can help anyone learn to succeed.

Focus by Daniel Goleman

This product was recommended by Jen Stark from Happy DIY Home

Daniel Goleman’s groundbreaking book Focus introduces a revolutionary concept that can change the way you think about success. Based on years of research, Goleman reveals that the ability to focus is the secret behind achieving excellence in any field, from business to sports to academics and more. Goleman explains that there are two types of focus: inner and outer. Inner focus is the ability to keep your attention on what you’re doing at the moment, while the outer focus is the ability to pay attention to your surroundings and be aware of what’s going on around you. If you’re looking for a way to boost your performance and achieve excellence in whatever you do, Focus is the book for you.

Solve For Happy by Mo Gawdat

This product was recommended by Chun-Kai Wang from Snake IO

In Solve for Happy, a former Google engineer presents a formula for happiness that demonstrates how it is our natural state and explains how to get beyond the challenges that stand in the way of maintaining it. Sometimes suffering is important to recognize pleasure is a choice. Mo Gawdat is aware. Ali, his 21-year-old son, passed away. He taught himself to always choose happiness over misery. This amazing book explains why, above all else, your perspective determines your level of happiness.

Happiness by Richard Layard

This product was recommended by Lori Taylor from The Produce Moms

We didn’t always have the ability to feel glad; it is a product of evolution. You can learn about happiness by studying how our desire for it came to be, what its advantages are, how money actually lowers our happiness, where it truly comes from, and how Western nations could simply raise their happiness by making a few small changes.

Getting Things Done by David Allen

This product was recommended by Sarah Watson from BPTLAB

David Allen’s Getting Things Done is one of the most influential books on productivity and time management. In it, he outlines a system for getting your work done in a way that minimizes stress and maximizes efficiency. The book has been hugely influential, and its concepts have been adopted by people all over the world. If you’re looking to increase your productivity and get things done, this is a great place to start.

Drive by Daniel Pink

This product was recommended by Jen Stark from Happy DIY Home

Many of us believe that the best way to motivate ourselves is with rewards like money—the carrot-and-stick approach. In Drive, Daniel H. Pink argues that this isn’t true. In fact, this mind-set often leads to less creativity and less motivation. Drawing on four decades of scientific research on human motivation, Pink reveals the hidden truths behind what really drives us—intrinsic desire. He exposes the mismatch between what science knows and what business does, and provides a clear plan for putting these ideas into action in our schools and workplaces.

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