Things You Didn’t Know Were Recyclable Around Your Home

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Things You Didn’t Know Were Recyclable Around Your Home

It’s no secret that the practice of recycling is an important part of a sustainable and eco-friendly lifestyle. Those who want to help the environment and conserve community resources often choose to begin their efforts by recycling things around their homes. But what isn’t apparent to the average homeowner is that there are more recyclable materials lying around than the standard plastic and paper products. In fact, there are a number of things you didn’t know were recyclable, just sitting in your own home. These are only some of those items.

Utility Covers

If you’ve ever owned an older home, chances are you’ve experienced the joys of having older utilities and appliances. Baseboard heaters, in particular, are unsightly and difficult to dismantle—not to mention, they use a considerable amount of energy. As such, it’s common for homeowners to pass these sections off as eyesores and throw them out once their budget allows. Fortunately, these machines and their covers are composed of recyclable steel that can be processed and turned into other important tools.


Though many people think that batteries aren’t recyclable, the truth is that it depends on how one recycles them. Because of the acidic materials that go into the making of batteries, improperly disposing of them can cause leaks that generate health concerns for people as well as the environment. But when given to a regulated battery recycling program, these acids can be neutralized safely and used to create new items.

Cardboard Boxes

Another thing you probably didn’t know was recyclable is items made from cardboard. Cardboard boxes and even toys can all be recycled into additional products as long as they’re clean and dry. Wet or contaminated cardboard is much weaker and will often dissolve before it can be made into something used. This is why recycling plants don’t accept materials that are covered in food or structurally unstable.


Even your old, dingey home carpet can be recycled. Depending on the length of the fibers and their composition, many of these items can be cleaned, broken down, and turned into other products. These specialized sustainable efforts aim to reduce the number of items typically in a landfill so that we minimize the overall effect our trash has on the environment.

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